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Aki MäättäApr 4, 2024 8:04:00 AM3 min read

CooliBlade’s Strategic Expansion Towards High-Volume Production

CooliBlade’s Strategic Expansion Towards High-Volume Production

CooliBlade reinvented the heat sink industry with our patented NEOcore technology two years ago. Since then, we have done a lot of development by ourselves and with our customers to bring the performance of phase change technology to the next level. An innovative team with excellent R&D engineering and thermal simulation know-how has been the strong foundation for our successful start. We are focusing on making NEOcore-based products in high volumes and cost-efficiently.

We have found a clear need and niche in the high-power electronics industry, where power densities have increased due to new component technologies. We are excited to take the next step forward, where our goal is to significantly reduce the costs of NEOcore products in high volumes. Compared to other well-known competitive technologies, our design philosophy enables the reduction of components and manufacturing steps. This simplified design philosophy not only improves product quality and production efficiency but also allows us to reduce manufacturing costs significantly. Production quality is even more critical in phase-change technologies where all structures must be sealed.  Cost efficiency can be achieved by combining product design with fully automated production lines for high-volume production.

The New Product Introduction (NPI) Factory enables flexible low and medium batches.

CooliBlade will double the size of our manufacturing facility in 2024. We will separate the development environment for new products from the manufacturing site of customer products. The newly improved production line is not just an array of machines; it’s the heart of our operation. The updated NPI site offers excellent flexibility, reliability, and the ability to scale up production quickly. The new semi-automatic line investment increased the production capacity of CooliBlade five-fold. This allows us to serve our medium size customers even in higher demand. The upgraded NPI line and a higher capacity semi-automated line offer a fast and transparent road from early development to medium-sized production.

The Local Touch: Partnering for Global Reach

CooliBlade has developed a unique partner model that brings our production capabilities closer to the customer or partners when shifting to larger-scale production. The critical l is to find suitable manufacturing partners in geographically optimal positions to manufacture CooliBlade-tailored products based on manufacturing licensees. The partnership model allows catering to more prominent customers by bringing production near or even to the customer’s facilities. This concept makes our production capacity very scalable, and the other benefits are reduced lead times, a controllable manufacturing chain, and optimized transportation costs.

CooliBlade’s new production lines are at the heart of the partnership model. In addition to the current semi-automatic line, we are developing a fully automated production line that will increase the production capacity fourfold in our customers’ or partners’ facilities. The number of operators has also been reduced significantly, and fully automated lines enable better quality controls via versatile inspection systems.

The partnership model and automated production lines allow CooliBlade to serve high-volume clients through the scalability phase. This strengthens our local support and offers fast response times. Local production also means a smaller carbon footprint, which helps all parties fulfill their ESG goals.

Engineering the Future

As CooliBlade continues on an ambitious path to expand our manufacturing capabilities, our commitment to excellent quality remains at the core of everything we do. We’ve brought a team of exceptional talent to support this expansion and uphold our high standards. These new additions to our team bring fresh perspectives and expertise that are crucial for enhancing both the quality and the capacity of our production.

Are you looking for the next generation of thermal management solutions? Contact CooliBlade today to learn more about our technology and how we can combine innovative NEOcore technology and cost-efficient manufacturing even in high volumes.